October 13th, 2018 Results

Pure Wrestling Association
Live Pro Wrestling
Fundraiser for the Hunter Costello Memorial FUN-dation
October 13th, 2018
Goderich, Ontario
 1.  Jeff Black defeated Jesse Bieber by DQ
2.  El Chico Bandito defeated Brandon Jacobs
3.  Sarge defeated Clay Wilson
4.  Joey Allen defeated Rex Atkins to remain Elite Champion
5.  “EZE” Eric Cairnie defeated Freddy Mercurio
6.  Super K defeated Nolan Pink
7.  Patsy Blue w/ Tex Lexus defeated Sabrina Kyle to remain Elite Women’s Champion
8.  Jeff Black/Freddie Mercurio defeated “MEME Team” Eric Cairnie/Jesse Bieber
Thank you to everyone who came out tonight, the wrestlers, the officials, managers, support staff and the man who put it all together Joe-Dawg Hallam for raising over $2600 for the Hunter Costello Memorial FUN-dation.
This could not have happened without our sponsors:
-Goderich ﹰHonda
-Sweet ﹰﹰLove ﹰﹰEats
-Hyundai of ﹰGoderich
– Studio M Hair Salon and Spa
-Goderich ﹰﹰToyota
-Boston ﹰPizza ﹰGoderich
-Town ﹰﹰCounsillor ﹰTrevor ﹰBazinet
-Jeff ﹰBauer of ﹰRoyal ﹰLepage
-Danny ﹰGranger Sharpie Art
-Festival ﹰCity ﹰTransmission
-The ﹰMaitland ﹰRecreation ﹰCentre (who were incredible and got us tables and chairs and everything else we needed like total champs!!)

Big thank you to the MAYOR OF GODERICH Kevin Morrison who was there to support!!!